2020 Election

“During the most important election of our lifetime, Matthew became our Jewish brother from New Jersey.  Matthew seamlessly joined our massive Georgia Get Out the Vote Campaign of African American Pastors and our 100,000 parishioners, providing needed day-to-day operational direction and strategic advice. Matthew is creative, passionate, and understands how to adapt to diverse environments. He is a great writer, strategist, understands communication and engagement technology, and knows everyone. Beyond his obvious policy and communications chops, Matthew is self-aware and knows that the results he provides start with relationships. He had no problem coming into Georgia and quickly building trust with our team, the press, and key state opinion leaders - and that is because, whether it was a junior staffer right out of college or a bold-faced name, Matthew treats people with dignity and gets the job done.”

- Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, the Presiding Prelate of the Sixth Episcopal District (AME)

The Sixth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) is comprised of 534 churches within the State of Georgia, totaling over 100,000 parishioners.  During the 2020 election cycle, the AME Church launched “Operation Voter Turnout,” bringing together tens of thousands of Georgia's AME parishioners and a united coalition that included Jewish, Muslim, Baptist, Protestant, and other faith-based communities to create a “voting support delivery system.”  These efforts brought a huge wave of new voters to the electoral process and was justly credited for helping President Biden flip the long-dominated red state to blue. The initiative was then extended into the state's historic runoff in January helping to elect two Democratic Senators and flipping the U.S. Senate.  Matthew Frankel served as senior advisor during the initiative and reported directly to Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, the Presiding Prelate of the Sixth Episcopal District.  MDF Strategies provided broad day-to-day strategic advice, served as a part of the Bishop’s small kitchen cabinet, led AME’s communication and engagement activities, resulting in national and local exposure.  He continues to advise the Church on its and voter registration and anti-suppression efforts.  To learn more about these efforts, please review the following Sunday front page story in the New York Times.